PRES Energy, a Stark Tech company, was hired to conduct a comprehensive energy audit of all facilities in the healthcare system. The goal of the audit was to identify the total energy consumption and cost savings potential by implementing viable conservative measures.

In addition, PRES analyzed the efficiency of the existing mechanical and electrical infrastructure. The Facility Audit Reports were to identify business risk and provide a replacement roadmap to mitigate risk.

PRES delivered Facility Audit Reports for each facility detailing current conditions, historical energy spend, and recommended upgrades for energy / deferred maintenance projects. The final report prioritized project implementation plans that addressed the items contained in the Facility Audit Reports. The implementation projects recommended were phased over a four-year period, as requested by the Healthcare System’s Chief Financial Officer. The program addressed imminent failures first and projects with a high ROI from energy savings in the early stages of the program.

PRES provided a turnkey solution that included
all aspects of engineering, construction management and program coordination. Existing equipment retro-commissioning and new system commission- ing was also included in the project scope.

  • 70 individual projects implemented 10 Regional Hospitals, 50+ office buildings
  • $15MM in capital funded over 4.5 years
  • $2.2 million annual energy cost savings
  • Energy Savings from early phases paid for deferred maintenance projects implemented in later years
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