Our team of boiler experts was brought in during the design phase to provide recommendations to redesign three boiler rooms at Medina Central School District.

The project timeline was very tight in order to complete the stick built job, which was designed with 4,000 MBH boilers. However, the drawings were released with 3,000s so the engineers had to make the larger boilers fit inside a very limited space.

The team designed a skidded boiler room to help reduce installation time. In a joint bid with Kistler and U&S Services as the prime contractor on the control system, the boiler skidded systems were fully integrated with the U&S control systems.

The equipment installed included:

  • RBI Flexcore Boilers
  • Taco circulators

The team implemented the equipment at the middle school and high school. At the high school, space was limited, however, the design allows for future boiler capacity to be integrated if needed.