Insights & Actions

Monitoring & Analytics Accounting & Financial Cost Management Sustainability & Waste Control

The Challenge:

This major city had challenges processing and managing the data from its utility invoices. The processes of paying utility bills in a timely manner and extracting energy components off utility invoices was nearly impossible, due to a shrinking budget and rotating job functions. Other departments, such as engineering, had little to no visibility of the impact their projects had on the actual utility costs.


Stark Intelligence was selected to streamline the payment process of all energy invoices, as well as to provide a reporting tool that demonstrates transparency into the city’s energy data.


The expense to process the utility invoices and capture energy data was reduced by over 80% compared to the city’s internal process. Each department within the city can now gain access to analytics regarding their energy usage. Most importantly, the city can now focus on public service and safety, as well as spending tax dollars more effectively. Today, the ControlFreak™ platform has prepared the city to comply with future usage reporting regulations, while allowing each department to function more effectively.

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